Bro. Montez Paschall 

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Brother Montez Paschall serves as the Associate Director of the Africana Center at Tufts University. An Alumnus of Tufts University, Montez spent his undergraduate study trying to navigate his career field options. Upon entry into college, his focus was in the medical field, however by his commencement, he decided to go into a field that could use his experience as a student who almost did not make it through college, to help future students who might be navigating a similar experience. Bro. Paschall’s perspective was significantly informed by his relationships within Phi Beta Sigma. As a 2009 initiate of the Beta Alpha Chapter, Bro. Paschall had access to students at colleges and universities throughout the Greater Boston Area. It was through those connections and relays of experiences, along with his own, that Montez realized the importance of bolstering student advocacy from the administrative plain. Montez has worked in several areas within Student Affairs including student activities, housing and residential life, campus center operations, and currently student diversity and inclusion. In each role, his goal has always been to help students (especially students of color) access resources, make demands that would improve their educational experiences, and foster their sense of belonging.

Bro. Paschall earned a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Tufts University in 2011 (A’11). In 2015 Bro. Paschall earned a Masters of Science in Higher Education from the University of Pennsylvania (GSE '15).